We have returned from our trip to company meetings in Dubai (M and J only) and Greece. We had a wonderful time meeting new friends and fellowshiping with old ones. Here are some photos:
Julie at the hotel in Dubai. Dubai is incredibly hot and humid, but everything there is very modern.

This bird was in the lobby of the hotel
Caleb at the White Tower at the sea in Thessaloniki
Mike and his good friend Georgie, the catcher on the Aris baseball team and a former member of the Greek national team, at Georgie's bookshop. Georgie's first comment when he saw Mike: "Coach, your hair. It is so white."
The world's best McDonald's, where our baseball team bus stopped every Sunday evening during the baseball season as we left Athens for the 6 hour ride to Thessaloniki. This is also the McDonald's where we left Ben one time.
Caleb in front of Mount Olympus
Eating gyros and trigona after a day on the beach at Lagomandra
This little boat has been along the boardwalk in Thessaloniki since we first moved there.
Marcel T Bull once said, "Never trust a man who takes your photo while you're relieving yourself."
With our leadership at the hotel in Greece
Caleb and his good buddy Matthew with Paula and Maria, who were on our team in Greece