Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jumping off the Cliff

Mom used to say, "If everybody else was jumping off the cliff, would you jump, too?" Well, here we are, jumping off the blog cliff with everyone else. We used to laugh at bloggers. As we prepare to head back overseas, it is time to jump off.

Here is our schedule:
May 5 and 6--Crate furniture for shipment to UK (Mike finds a reason to leave town)
May 5--Move to MLC

May 9-16 St Simon's Island
June 15--Fly to UK
June 19--AGM in Greece

Our friends in UK have found us a home in Horsham, which is in West Sussex. We will live right across from the big park in the center of Horsham. Check it out on Google Earth. We are all very pleased.

Sam will continue his studies at Liberty University. Ben will attend Black Forest Academy in Germany for his senior year of high school. Caleb will study at the high school in Horsham. Julie and Mike will focus on teaching the Brits to speak proper (i.e., Redneck) English.

We are submitting our visa applications this week. Please pray that we will be patient and will trust God to provide them in His timing and that we will remember that "God is never late, but rarely early."


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! If you need any assistance in teaching the true proper redneck english, I'm going on the record saying that I am more than willing to assist! I've received the highest honors and most comments about my redneck style english grammar. Just letting you know that I would be glad to help.

  2. So glad that you joined :). Wow! Quite a schedule. We will keep you in our prayers. We look forward to seeing you at AGM!!! Love, The Hepners

  3. looks like my wife beat me here. Like always! Welcome to the 21st century. Now you have to keep up with it:) Love y'all and am honored to have you guys serve us. Josh

  4. welcome back to the blog world :) Its quite fun, you will see. And, welcome back to this part of the world.

  5. We are thinking of and praying for you guys! Our children have your boys on their prayer list. Somehow I ended up with children that are great and natural prayer warriors. Mike... do you remember the night at Toccoa years ago when I fell asleep during prayer time... you, Grady, Trotter and Childers. I won't mention which one of you were long winded!

    God Bless you, your family and your ministry! Britain will be dangling participles before you know it!! "Where y'all go to church at?"

  6. Welcome to the real world and hope you are ready for language classes!
